Our Vision

Enhance chain data to make store management autonomous.

Our Values
Be a pro
Focus on the user
Passion for the product
Celebrate success
The people of Arigo
Arye Houminer
Chief Executive Officer
Over 15 years of experience leading technology development groups, and managing of cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research projects in the special forces and intelligence corps of the Israeli Defense Forces.
Aviel Zino
Chief Process Officer
Aviel breathes and lives technology and retail for almost 20 years.
Since his first job as a store manager to leading complicated retail technology projects in different retail segment.
Aviad kimche
Chief Financial Officer
Over 20 years of leading complicated investments and financial projects.
Aviad is enthusiastic in making things done and creating the best financial status for each of his portfolio companies.
Asi Stamker
Chief Technology Officer
Asi has got a 15 years high end and complicated technology projects.
Asi loves to deal and simplify the most complicated problem to the level that the user will be the happiest.
Tzvi Yehuda Barzilai
Chief Revenue Officer
12 years of customer success experience and his always best mood brought Tzvi to lead Arigo's customer success and business development dept. Tzvi love the customers and they love him back.
Ilana Zarfati
VP Bussiness Development  
Ilana is an Trade Marketing expert with 30 years of experience in the Israeli retail market.
Ilana gained her rich experience from managing Trade Marketing and customer experience departments in Israeli and international companies such as Osem-Nestle, Shufersal (Israeli largest food retailer) and Carrefour Israel.
Ilana led assortment management processes, commercial planning of the sales floor and analysis of shopper's decision trees.
Avishai Lapid
User Experience Leader
Don't let Avishai's apperance to trick you down. Despite his 190 cm highet he is charmest and the most proffesional UX person that lives. He is beiggest challenge is to bring the user to do what they want to do and on the fly use the system.